The Texas Historical Commission is accepting applications now for their paid Diversity Internship Program for people interested in historic preservation and Texas cultural heritage. Preference will be given to applicants from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds. The deadline is March 17, 2017 see more information about this program on the Texas Historical Commission web site on their Diversity Internship page. I find this very exciting as it includes projects like Untold Marker Writer, writing historical marker narratives on Texas history and projects to explore preservation and interpretation of neglected groups in Texas history as well as establish heritage tourism. I am glad the Texas Historical Commission is trying to increase diversity in the professionals involved in historic preservation work as well as acknowledging all the different cultures involved in our rich heritage! See the Diversity Internship 2017 Flyer here.

I love all the Texas Historical Commission sites including the San Felipe de Austin Historic Site in San Felipe Texas, the Colonial Capital of Texas! My ancestor’s father, Peter Pieper’s cabin will be featured there at the new San Felipe de Austin Visitor Center and Museum.